Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year... What Was I Thinking?

Yeah, yeah... I know what I was thinking.  I was thinking that 2019 is my year to continue to get active and continue on my journey to better health.

So what did I do? I went with my family (and an extra kiddo) and did the Atlanta Track Club's Resolution Run. (It was rainy, so not many photos... but there are a few at the end of this post.)

Now don't get all excited. I didn't run. I walked. Slowly.

It took me an hour and two minutes to walk this 5K. My pace was roughly a 20-minute mile.

But here's what is so exciting to me. In November, we were in Florida and we did the Cocoa Beach Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. The race course was flat. No climbs. Today's race course was NOT flat. LOL  But compare my time.

Even with the hills, my time was consistent. I think if there were no hills my time would have improved. I can't wait to attack even more 5Ks in the future and see how my time improves with more weight loss and more training. I honestly haven't trained.

So, what's next?

I'm signed up to do a 5K in February called the Hot Chocolate 15K & 5K. I'm doing the 5K. My friend who is doing it with us says she wants to run it. I'm not sure I'm up to running it in a month and a half... but OK... we'll see how that goes.

I'm planning to do the AJC Peachtree Road Race in July. It's a 10K... and it's huge.

In August I'm planning on doing the Rugged Maniac with some friends. It's a 5K obstacle course race.

In November, I'll do another Turkey Trot wherever we are.

I'm well on my way to my goal of 8 races in 2019... length of 5K or more. I'm ready and eager to reach these goals. Happy Healthy and Fit New Year!!!!

Me and my Mini-Me... I call her C.

C and her friend, whose name also starts with a C.
We call them C-Squared.

Me and C-Squared


Silly C... I have no idea what she's doing here. She was cutting up with her friend.

We ordered the tee in a 2X... it's a little big on me now. 
Note to self - order race tees in an XL (for now).

First Race Tee of 2019