I've never been thin, that I can remember, anyway. I distinctly remember a family member, who shall remain nameless, tell me as a teenager (yep, my dieting started way back then)that I'd never lose weight because I was part of the ________ Family. That stuck with me. It's been over 20 years since those words were uttered, and you know what? I let those words just sit there and linger in my brain. Every time I fell down, I let those words rise to the surface. I let them remind me that maybe this family member was right.
Do I think these words are the reason I fell so many times and never got back up? No. I know that my struggles are my own, and I take full responsibility for my own actions. But do I let those words bring me down when I struggle? Yep. All of the time.
Today, I'm declaring my intent to let those words go. I know it won't be easy. I know they are going to try and wedge their way back in when I fall. But I don't want those words to bring me down anymore. I can beat myself up all on my own, and I don't need those words to contribute.
So, I'm ready to do just what this picture says.... prove them wrong! Are you with me?

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