Saturday, June 27, 2015

Work In Progress

I've made some really crappy health choices in my life. The worst choice was to ignore the fact that I was killing myself with every bite I took. Seriously. I didn't get to be this weight by eating broccoli. My weight puts me in a class defined as "morbidly obese." Now in my simple brain, that word morbid means if I don't do something about it, it's going to deteriorate my health to the point that it's gonna kill me. I don't say that to be a major downer here. I'm simply trying to put into words why it's time for me to take my health seriously.

I am so glad I started carb-cycling. I know there is science behind it. It's all way over my head. I know there are multiple ways to lose weight. They just weren't working for me. I stuck with them for a bit, but nothing for very long. And just "cutting back" and simply "eating healthy" most of the time wasn't working for me. I needed a plan. I needed some structure I needed accountability. This gave it to me. If you're reading this for the first time and wondering what carb-cycling is, I recommend you pick up Chris Powell's Choose More, Lose More for Life to learn more about it.

I've had this book and stared at it for a long time. I told myself it was too hard and confusing. But it's not. I started out with the same foods and just ate those over and over again these first two weeks. Two weeks in, and I am finally feeling like I can look for ways to switch things up a little. I made tilapia (for the first time ever) for dinner last night. I'm looking up recipes for homemade protein bars. I'm trying things I never have before. I used to hate celery. I now eat celery once, sometimes twice, a day. I'm learning to love it. My tastes are changing. My cousin posted on Facebook about buying some caramel filled chocolate chips, and it didn't even phase me. The kids ate microwave buttered popcorn yesterday, and I didn't feel deprived. It's working! I'm finally, at nearly 40 years old (this September,) starting to take control of my health and my body.

So, I said all that to share my progress for the week. I'm so very proud of myself for finally making good changes for my body. To me, I'm not on a diet. I've changed my diet. I'm finally putting good stuff in it. Tomorrow is my reward day, and I intend to have something good, yummy, and maybe not the best choice for a healthy lifestyle. But that's the beauty of it. I can do that once a week, so long as I don't go on a feeding frenzy. I'm ready to finish out week 2 and start week 3 strong!

I wanted to share the protein shake and nutritional that I use to supplement my daily diet. I don't take a multi-vitamin in pill form, however I drink a liquid nutritional that provides me with the vitamins and minerals, not to mention anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories, that my body craves. I don't want to post it here, because this blog was not created with the intent to sell anything. However, if you are interested, please send me a message at and I'll be happy to share with you.

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